
Last year, kind-hearted visitors and retailers donated just over 300 Easter eggs and The Lexicon is aiming to beat that figure this year. Waitrose has got the campaign off to a flying start with a donation of 80 Easter eggs.

Rob Morris, general manager at The Lexicon says:
“We’re delighted to open our Easter Egg Appeal once more. We were thrilled by everyone’s generosity last year and are hoping to better this total this year.”

Easter egg donations for Bracknell Foodbank, should be placed in The Lexicon Giving Box, which is located in Princess Square.

Claire Mather, Bracknell Foodbank Manager says:
“Last year we were overwhelmed with the generosity of the Lexicon staff and customers donating so many Easter eggs for us to give out to the families who use our service. One parent collecting an egg got quite emotional and told us what a difference being able to offer their children a luxury such as an Easter egg made when going through such a difficult time financially, so we’re delighted and very grateful that the Lexicon have said they’ll do the same this year!”

Leader of Bracknell Forest Council, Cllr Mary Temperton says:
“300 eggs is a big target to beat but I know our residents are so generous when it comes to supporting our friends and neighbours. With financial pressures affecting so many, it’s great to be given this opportunity to support those who are struggling.”

The appeal ends on Sunday, March 17 2024, to enable the Easter eggs to be given to local families by Bracknell Foodbank in time for Easter.