
Published 01 May 2024

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Scroll down to find out what's happening for May half-term in partnership with Little Muddy Boots here at The Lexicon.


Tuesday 28 May:


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Little Muddy Boots will share some little things that can really help boost the bird population in your green space, from plants that will provide food (such as berry laden trees), setting up a bird café so they have food year round and putting up nesting boxes.

While you might see a robin, blackbird or blue tit regularly in your garden or green space, there are in fact more 140 species of birds that have been spotted in British gardens.

Birds are a great indicator of biodiversity in a green space as they need trees/ hedges for shelter, a clean water source (like a pond or stream) to drink from and plenty of insects and berries to feast on.

In return, having lots of birds in your garden can help keep the space healthy. Birds will happily munch on caterpillars and aphids which in turn stop these eating your plants.


Wednesday 29 May:


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While they may look tough, if bugs are put back in the wrong place they can die very quickly.

In this workshop Little Muddy Boots will teach you how to look after bugs properly by putting them back where you found them under logs or stones and how to make your own bug hotel to take home with you?

How many insects do you think there are in the world?

For every human alive it is estimated that there are 20 million insects or 16 billion for every square mile of dry land. That’s a lot of mouths to feed !

We like to use the name ‘minibeasts’ when talking about small animals like insects, snails, woodlice and worms.

Some have six or more legs whilst others like slugs, snails and worms have none .  And, they have needs too. You may have noticed that you get more spiders and insects in the house during the autumn and spring periods? They are looking for warm dry areas to live in, just like us


Thursday 30 May:


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Little Muddy Boots will share which pollen rich flowers you can plant, how to create a little bee nesting space, and how to provide a water source so those little bees can get a drink safely!

Did you know that every 3rd mouthful of food we eat, is because of the hard work of bees?

We need bees to help us pollinate some of our favourite foods such as apples, strawberries, tomatoes and blueberries.

From honey bees, to bumble bees to solitary bees, every one is important and the Little Things you can do in your garden or green space can help these little pollinators.


Friday 31 May:


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Little Muddy Boots will share lots of tips for planting containers so every space no matter how big or small can boost biodiversity by planting blooms.

Did you know that your garden, however large or small, is part of a huge network of 15 million gardens across the UK.

Of course public open spaces like our woodlands and parks add considerably to this space, as do pots on balconies and window boxes.

By making a few careful choices, you can help make the plant spaces near you a biodiversity paradise, supporting birds, bugs, butterflies, and bees.


Saturday 1 June:


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Little Muddy Boots will demystify the fascinating world of butterflies and moths. 

You will learn how to make a butterfly feeding station and recognise different types of our fluttering friends.

All of our British Butterflies tend to fly during the daytime whilst the majority of moths are nocturnal.

All moth and butterfly caterpillars feed on plants, some eating the leaves and some the stems. Some even live inside the plants that they are eating. Almost all adult butterflies and moths feed on nectar which they drink from flowers through a long tongue called a proboscis.

Most butterflies have a very short life cycle generally controlled by their favourite food source and the need to breed again quickly before they become a tasty morsel for another animal.

BERKSHIRE BIRDS OF PREY (Outside the old Argos unit within Princess Square)

Tuesday 28 May & Saturday 1 June

10am to 4pm

No booking required

Berkshire Birds of Prey will also be visiting The Lexicon offering an unforgettable experience for visitors to get close to some majestic birds. As a family-run business, they offer unforgettable handling experiences, making these majestic birds accessible to the public.

Education & Care:

• Berkshire Birds of Prey believes in the transformative power of connecting with nature.
• They offer educational programs for schools, care homes, and beyond.
• Engage in animal-assisted therapy sessions and deepen your understanding of these magnificent creatures.

The team nurtures a deeper understanding of nature, fostering appreciation for our environment. Let their feathered friends guide you on a transformative journey!


Friday 31 May and Saturday 1 June:

11am to 5pm

No booking required

CBBC’s Blue Peter Gardener, Skinny Jean Gardener will be bringing together the sowing of wildflower seeds, education, music, fun and games.

Harmonious Plants: Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of plants as they come to life with music.
Bee-Friendly Gardening: Learn how to sow seeds that contribute to the well-being of our essential pollinators, the bees.
Garden Library: Dive into the captivating world of gardening through an array of enlightening reads in our garden library.

Gardening Trails: Embark on exciting gardening trails that offer a deeper connection to nature and its wonders, plus gardening worksheets.

Little Things Count town centre trail

Friday 24 May to Sunday 2 June

Follow the Little Things Count town centre trail, to learn fascinating facts about bugs, bees, blooms, birds and butterflies and be in with a chance to win one of two fabulous hampers sponsored by retailers at The Lexicon

The Giant Artic Jellyfish (Waterstones)

Friday 31 May:


Fully Booked

A moving tale of grit, endurance and self-belief to inspire young explorers and dreamers from a stunningly talented debut. 

Dr Morley is about to embark on a quest to the tip of the world, to discover a creature that everyone talks about but nobody has ever seen The Giant Arctic Jellyfish.

The Giant Arctic Jellyfish

After years of research and hard graft, she gathers together a highly trained crew and a boat full of
specialist equipment, and sets sail for the vast icy scapes of the Arctic. 

Will she find what she is searching for? Or will it find her?

Event dates

Between 24 May 2024 - 02 Jun 2024

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